Разрешение на выезд перевод на английский язык
Чаще всего разрешение на выезд за границу дается руководителю группы детей от их родителей, либо одним родителем на другого, если родитель едет с ребенком один, данный документ переводится и в зависимости от требования перевод заверяется у нотариуса, либо печатью агентства переводов. Ниже дан примерный перевод, т.к. у каждого нотариуса текст разрешения может быть немного изменен. В данном шаблоне идет перевод с русского языка на английский.
Translation from Russian into English
11 A АА 546578
To the Russian, Narnia relevant authorities and Border Control bodies.
Port of entry
From Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, the citizen of the Russian Federation, born on , passport issued by “OVD (Department of Internal Affairs) Perovo” of Moscow city on ............., subdivision code........, registered address: .........................................................Moscow.
By the present affidavit I consent the short-time period departure from The Russian Federation to Narnia and back to Russian Federation to Ivanova Ivanka Ivanovna, my infant daughter, born on .................., birth certificate ................................, issued by Civil Status Registration Office of the Moscow Registry Office on ..............., for the period from the twenty fifth of .................................. to the thirteenth of ......................., with her mother Ivanova Ivanko Ivanovna. Purpose of travel is tourism.
Adoption or detention of Ivanova Ivanka Ivanovna in the above country is not provided.
In accordance with the articles 20 and 22 of the Russian Federation Federal Law “Concerning the entry and exit of the Russian Federation” lay on the attendant the obligation of my daughter’s interests and rights protection, as well as the responsibility for her life and health, obligation for taking actions and measures for my child’s life security including issue of the medical help (if required), as well as obligation to file any disclosures and gain any documents including visa.
Moscow, the thirteenth of February ..........................
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (signed)
The thirteenth of February .........................
The present affidavit is witnessed by me, ............................., notary in and for the city of Moscow (license ..............................................,issued by The Moscow Justice Department). The affidavit is signed before me by Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, who is personnaly known to me. Who in my opinion has the necessary legal capacity.
Protocol № 1.............
Collected as per tariff 1,000 rub. 00 kop.
Notary: ......................
Notary in and for the city of Moscow